In function sharedOpenGLView -- ..\..\platform\qnx\CCEGLView_qnx.cpp:1128 s_pInstance != __null -- assertion failed

I just ported my Android project. Haven’t seen the code in months, not sure if I knew what I was doing. You guys have any idea what does this error mean?

@ In function sharedOpenGLView — …qnx.cpp:1128 s_pInstance !=_null — assertion failed@

Hi, did you compile the HelloWorld project, and did HelloWorld project have the same problem?Maybe you should notice ‘initInstance’ in ‘Appdelegate.cpp’ where you create your CCEGLView instance.

        CCEGLView * pMainWnd = new CCEGLView();
        CC_BREAK_IF(! pMainWnd|| ! pMainWnd->Create(480, 320));
#endif // CC_PLATFORM_QN

Hey, HelloWorld didn’t have the same problem. And made a proper appdelegate.cpp before asking on the forums. Somehow though, the project builds nicely now. Maybe it was my work environment that caused it. It’s quite possible, other Blackberry stuff didn’t work very well either.