in app billing v3 for cocos2d. but i get some error

hi. every guys.

i to do in app billing feature on our game.
and i use v3 api.

i use google developer support tutorial and example code.

but i have a some question about jni.

code like as :

in C*+
void BSStore::loadProducts
m_requestProductDelegate = delegate;
JniMethodInfo minfo;
if V“))
jobjectArray args = 0;
jstring jId;
args = minfo.env~~>NewObjectArray ,minfo.env~~>FindClass(”java/lang/String“), 0);
for(int i = 0; i < productsId~~>count; ++i)
cocos2d::CCString *productId = static_castcocos2d::CCString*);
jId = minfo.env~~>NewStringUTF(productId~~>getCString);
minfo.env~~>SetObjectArrayElement(args, i, jId);
in java
public static IabHelper mHelper;
public static void loadProducts(String[] skuList)
mSkuList = new ArrayList();
for(int i = 0; i < skuList.length; ++i)
Log.i(TAG,”ProductID :"* skuList[i]);

mHelper.queryInventoryAsync(true, mSkuList, new IabHelper.QueryInventoryFinishedListener() {
public void onQueryInventoryFinished(IabResult result, Inventory inventory) {
Log.d(TAG, “Query inventory finished.”);
if (result.isSuccess()) {
Log.d(TAG, “Query inventory was successful.”);

mInventory = inventory;

ArrayList skuDetailList = new ArrayList();
for(String sku : mSkuList)


else {
//complain(“Failed to query inventory:” + result);
requestProductsFailed(result.getResponse(), result.getMessage());

and iabHelper is google sdk code.

iabHelper queryInventoryAsync function like as:

public void queryInventoryAsync(final boolean querySkuDetails,
final List moreSkus,
final QueryInventoryFinishedListener listener) {

final Handler handler = new Handler();
flagStartAsync(“refresh inventory”);
(new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
IabResult result = new IabResult(BILLING_RESPONSE_RESULT_OK, “Inventory refresh successful.”);
Inventory inv = null;
try {
inv = queryInventory(querySkuDetails, moreSkus);
catch (IabException ex) {
result = ex.getResult();


final IabResult result_f = result;
final Inventory inv_f = inv; Runnable() {
public void run() {
listener.onQueryInventoryFinished(result_f, inv_f);

but i alway get crash in queryInventoryAsync

because Reason is this line
“final Handler handler = new Handler();”

how can i fix rhe problem…

thank you

Hi !
It was possible to solve?
I have the same problem…

Hi again )
I have solved this problem…
final Handler handler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());// <— SOLVED

try Soomla for cocos2dx

I did not find a good documentation of integration for Soomla.
Step by step.
For examle:

read me on github