Import in cocos2dx

I have the cocos2d.h include in the helloWorld but it’s suppose that I’m using the news cocos2dx functions , so , is there a cocos2dx.h file to include in my helloworld?
if not, how can I use “if ( CCLayerColor::initWithColor( ccc4(255,255,255,255) ) )” it say to me that I have an error “Call to non-static member función without an object argument”

Im sorry but I’m new , so excuse me if my question is not really good explain.

CCLayerColor* pLayer = CCLayerColor::create();

that’s a basic c++ error, nothing to do with cocos2d-x.

It sounds like you are not implementing your method correctly. Did you put your void Classname::methodname() like this?

Jesus Bosch wrote:

that’s a basic c++ error, nothing to do with cocos2d-x.
It sounds like you are not implementing your method correctly. Did you put your void Classname::methodname() like this?

Fixed , thanks!