Images Glitches Issue in iPhone 4s and iPad4

Hi Every One,
I have a issue with my game related to images glitches or images rendering issue. I am working on a game written in cocos2d-x the issue is that my game is running fine on simulator and iPod4 but its not on iPhone4s and iPad4 You can see this issue in attached images.
I am using cocos2dx and Box2d.
Working Machine is Mac Air i5 -> OS X 10.9.2
xCode is 5.0.2
iPhone 4s running ios7.
Many many thanks in advance.

IMG_2183.PNG (40.3 KB)

IMG_2184.PNG (41.0 KB)

IMG_2185.PNG (58.3 KB)

IMG_2189.PNG (52.5 KB)

IMG_2190.PNG (47.1 KB)