I'm learning cocos2d-x,have some question..

note:my English is not good enough!

view over the Tutorials,I have know how to write a simple game.
but I found that had many function(函数)I have no seen,so I don’t know how to use it?when I could use?
my mean is:
cocos2d-x have too many function(函数),I hope it have a manual(or I don’t know how to get it),like MSDN.

thank you!

Please click the “Doxygen” tab at the navigator of this website, or visit http://www.cocos2d-x.org/embedded/cocos2d-x directly to read the classes/functions descriptions.
Or you can run doxygen tool, open cocos2d-x/doxygen/doxygen.cocos2d-x config, and output the off-line version of API document.

thanks to Walzer Wang