If Cocos2d-x 3.0 could be bound to Html5 2.2?

Hi, i’m a newbie. Cocos2d-x latest version is 3.0 and Cocos2d Html5 latest version is 2.2, is it possible to bind them together?

when i use cocos2d-x 3.0 to bind the html5 2.2, there are always some error:
**cc.ClippingNode.extend is not a function
**cc.SpriteBatchNode.extend is not a function
Anybody know what is it?


cc.FileUtils.getInstance(…).dictionaryWithContentsOfFileThreadSafe is not a function

why there are so many errors when binding, how about your guys binding?

@longyangxi Sorry, you can’t do this. Cocos2d-html5 v2.2 can work together with cocos2d-x 2.2 JSB.
I saw html5 team is working on migrating to v3.0 in recent weeks. They will probably release it on March 5th~15th.

That’s great, thanks!

There are two APIs which work both in JSB and HTML5:


Thanks, dumganhar, i’ll try that!

@dumganhar It means i have to parse the file myself as a Dictionary?

@dumganhar It means i have to parse the file myself as a Dictionary?

@dumganhar It means i have to parse the file myself as a Dictionary?

@dumganhar It means i have to parse the file myself as a Dictionary?

You could use cc.SAXParser to get JSON object from plist.

		var parser = cc.SAXParser.getInstance();
		var result = parser.parse(s_grossini_familyPlist);

		var ok = JSON.stringify(this._expectResult) == JSON.stringify(result);
		this._label = cc.LabelTTF.create(ok ? "SUCCESS" : "FAIL", "Arial", 30);
		var winsize = cc.Director.getInstance().getWinSize();
		this._label.setPosition(winsize.width/2, winsize.height/2);

@dumganhar Thanks very much!