I want to know brief description of particles animation in cocos2d-x

I am new to cocos2d-x and I want to know brief description of particles animation in cocos2d-x. I also want to make a sun flare animation and lightning effect. Please help me. Thank you very much.

try using the particle designer and see if you can make the effect you want to make.
Once you have done that it’s just a matter of setting the values for the CCParticleSystemQuads class.
Have a look at the CCParticleExamples.cpp file to see what variables have to be set.
For starters…

m_nEmitterMode > defines the particle system mode as gravity based or size based.
> defines the acceleration used for particles.
modeA.speed > speed of the particles
> perterbation of speed of the particle to give different speeds for different particles.
m_fLife > time for which the each particle will be shown for.
> perturbation of life time of particle…

Thank you very much vamsi. I want to ask something . Are there any tutorials or reference about particle designer.

you can try on their website… http://www.71squared.com/particledesigner