I Changed The HelloWorldScene.cpp, but changes don't happen

I changed

auto label = LabelTTF::create("Hello World", "Arial", 24);


auto label = LabelTTF::create("Hello", "Arial", 24);

I click on “Build Project” but nothing happen.
this is my project

nobody can’t solve my problem ???!!!

do you try to clean / build project? If it does not work , try to delete folder “proj.android\bin”, “proj.android\obj” and clean / build

Its because your cpp code in not compiling. It only compiles the java code in which you will see the default HelloWorld screen with a label and a button
If you make any changes in the code like changing label Hello World to Hellooooo World, it will not reflect. I am also currently having the same problem and unable to solve
Check your console. It might say something related to build_native.py that it is not found or cannot find the toolchain etc?

thanks I solve the problem at the first i delete /bin folder then click on the build_native.py on project

u r using which platform? mac or windows

Windows platform

It is still not working in my case. I have deleted the bin folder but my build is showing the same hello world scene

I have experienced this issue. This is working solution I did.
No one answered it clearly.
But I managed to solve that problem.

  1. Go to c:\users or /usr dir and go inside your user name folder in it .
  2. Destroy .gradle folder. <-- gradle cache. I think it is gradle’s problem.
    gradle is not that stable I just think anyways.
    They each other will argue “it is not my fault!”.
  3. Make sure your internet connection is on if it doesn’t your command line will vomit/print error because it can not download gradle again.
  4. Run cocos run or cocos compile again!