I Can't Use android-build.py to build cocos2d-x samples ( Cocos2d 3.0RC0)

Hi All!

I have a Problem with android-build.py like that

I run Terminator commend (Cygwin)
python android-build.py -p 10 cpp-tests
python android-buil.py testlua

but I get error

“Couldn’t find the gcc toolchain”.

My system is Win 7 32 bit
I have JDK 1.7 , SDK, NDK r9, r8 , Python 2.7, Cygwin
All above have evironments

My NDK environment

NDK_ROOT = Q:\ANDROID\NDK . is this right?

If NDK_ROOT is wrong, why when I run Setup.py , it still FOUNDED NDK_ROOT?

Any body Help me . Please???

If this error is by NDK_ROOT, how to fix it?

@kiddi2202 you can read the Readme.md.
it is the processes like follow:
$ cd cocos2d-x
$ ./setup.py
$ cocos new MyGame -p com.your_company.mygame -l cpp -d /home
$ cd /home/MyGame

That error haven’t solved yet.

Haizzz, eh, what you NDK_ROOT environment in Window??