Hybrid project problem

Hello, is there a way that I don’t need to “include/some_folder/some.h”, and just “include/some.h”
because in xcode I don’t need to do “include/some_folder/some.h”, but when I transfer to android I have to always do that.

my Android.mk

LOCAL_SRC_FILES := hellocpp/main.cpp \

CPP_FILES += $(wildcard $(LOCAL_PATH)/…/…/Classes/.cpp)
CPP_FILES += $(wildcard $(LOCAL_PATH)/…/…/Classes/some_folder/


I followed this Avoiding absolute paths including headers but didn’t work

I’ve actually moved to the having path in the #include, but you can define extra header paths in both Android and Windows.


LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../classes \
                    $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../classes/some_folder \
                    $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../classes/another_folder \

For windows you have to edit the include path in the project settings.

Thanks! got it