How to use of cocos2d-x 3D particle


How to use 3D particle system? I have gone through the following link

Cocos2d-x v3.5 Released but I have some list of question over here

  • How to create .pu files
  • What exactly material file is
  • Which editor can we use for creating .pu files
    please help me out

Thank you :smile:

Particle Universe Editor, it content a help doc.

Thanks for replying , I have already checked that link its mentioned that particle universe editor is available only for windows so which editor I can use for mac and Iā€™m still not clear with what .material file contains and how to create .material and .pu files .
If any one worked with 3D particles before please help me @iQD

Question: What is Particle Universe?
Answer: Particle Universe is an open source particle editor and engine for Ogre3d. It includes both binaries and C++ source code is can be freely used.

I never used the editor. You have to look into the source code to become familiar with the structure of the material and pu files.

Also Iā€™m not aware of any PU compatible particle editor on OS X.