How to use C sharp code in cocos2dx project, or XAML.

I want to show some message box (write in xaml or csharp) in front of cocos2d-x surface. There is method to implement Csharp call C++/CX use windows runtime component, but now cocos2d-x is compiled to win32 native. how to implement this? It seem that IAP or Ads also have same situation.

hey michael did you find any way by which we can call c# method from c++ or any other way to implement IAP, ads or facebook

Hi, you can check this [[]] in chinese, it’s the examples of how to use third SDK in wp8, integrated MS adverting control. c++ can call the functions of c# with the language of c++\CX, call managed C++. Thanks.

you can refer this Article [] or to find some article about OpenXLive,
i have a question , do you resolve, if input chinese-character by CCTextFieldTTF, it run discorrect. the font is correct

CCTextFieldTTF inherit from CCLabelTTF, CCLabelTTF can support with some fonts in Resources\fonts as Windows Phone does not allow access to system fonts from C++, not with system fonts now.

I use arialuni.ttf in Resources\fonts to show Chinese, pr: [[]], it test Ok in TextInputTest.cpp and LabelTest.cpp.