How to support Android Samsung Galaxy Tab with 1024*600 or other Android Tab

Hi All
I have compiled the cocos2d-x-0.995-rc2 run the cocos2d-x android helloworld and test well in the Galaxy S Android device with 480*800.
Today I am trying to run it on the Samsung Galaxy Tab with 1024*600. It only display the 480*800 in the center of the screen.
Somebody can tell me how to support 1024*600 or other Android Tab at cocos2d-x.
I only finde the source code in the appdelegate.cpp

if (!(m_pMainWnd = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getOpenGLView()))

The window is created in HelloWorld(or tests)/android/src/org/cocos2dx/lib/
I suggest you to modify the size of activity at first.

Have you tried to adjust the screen settings in your manifest?

(make sure you look at the minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion you’re using as well, screen support differs between versions)

Thanks for all of your information.
I resolved this issue by adding it on the AndroidManifest.xml