How to solve this problem when install on Cygwin?

Hi all,
I want to configure the environment, in which i can transplant the win32 project to Android. But in the process of compiling on Cygwin, this problem has taken place. Can you help me find out how to solve this problem. I put the screenshot of the problem in files. Thanks a lot~

Problem_screenshot.jpg (84.4 KB)

To fix that you have to modify permission of cocos2d-x and NDK in cygwin yourself.

chmod R 775 cocos2d-2.1beta3-x-2.1.1
R 775 android-ndk-r8d

Thanks a lot It works! Thx I have spent the whole day solving this problem. T T

Thanks Ivan.But i want to make it very clear.If you want to change permission of a file or directory then you have to add full path with the code.

As if you want to change permission on cocos2d-x folder on C:2d-x (Im on windows on mack it will be “/ instead of” write the code on cygwin console:

cmod -R 775 /cygwindrive/c/cocos2d-x

Happy coding.Thanks