How to set shader for Armature object

I have 3 questions:

  1. I know when I want to set shader for Sprite object by using spr1->setShaderProgram(glProgram)
    However, I want to set shader for an Armature object. How can I do that?

  2. In CCSprite, I can use setBlendFunc, what about in Armature.

  3. I read this article and I see the idea to detect collision between 2 sprites. But I want to write a extended function which can detect collision between different object like sprite vs sprite, sprite vs Armature, Amature vs Armature. How can I do that?


you can do it like this :Armature->setShaderProgram(glProgram) just like sprite,but the performance of the mobile phone is bad

@mike1989a How bad? Can you explain more? I’m going to use this function because I want to detect the collision exactly. Do you have any ideas? I’m making a gun shooting game, so when I shoot in a part of enemy (like arm, leg), it has to affect.