How to scale the game canvas?

Hi guys,
On iPhone (iOS 7.0), when in landscape and click the top border of the screen, the navigation bar will appear, that cant be solved by adding the meta of minimal-ui. On that condition, we want to scale down the game canvas to fit the new blank area, how can i do that?

If i scale the canvas myself = window.innerWidth+ “px”; = window.innerHeight+“px”;
The game did have been scaled, but the button cant be clicked anymore!
Anybody know about this?

Hi, you can use cc.view's API, try this:

cc.view.setDesignResolutionSize(width, height, cc.ResolutionPolicy.SHOW_ALL);
// It's useful only when resolution policy is used.

Then the view will be automatically resized when window size change.

You can also register your custom behavior with

cc.view.setResizeCallback(function() {

@pandamicro, thank you for your reply!
But i tried that, and failed to solve the issue.
My game design resolution is 800*500. When the toolbar appear, the window.innerHeight become smaller, but the cc._canvas.height is still 500.
If i use
cc.view.setDesignResolutionSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight, cc.ResolutionPolicy.SHOW_ALL);
The game will be scaled up much instead of scaled down.
if i use
cc.view.setDesignResolutionSize(800, 500, cc.ResolutionPolicy.SHOW_ALL);
Nothing changed!
Thanks again!

you can try this

cc.view.setResizeCallback(function() {
// control every thing you want, readapt with setDesignResolutionSize for example, or manually change your canvas with cc._canvas object

Thanks again @pandamicro

@longyangxi I have the same problem.Are you solve the problem? If yes,plz let me Know the solution.
Tks .