How to make sprite's position fixed although we update the layer's position?

I made the camera to follow a target node (or sprite) without a need to change all objects’ position. That’s being said is that I just change the position of layer.
Anyway there’s a problem when I need to make some sprites’ position to be fixed in which they are children of the layer I mentioned.

I tried once with adding those sprites into another layer, but that layer will be added again to the root layer. That doesn’t work.

How can I accomplish that ?

If you move a layer, it shouldn’t affect other layer

Can you replicate this and show us the code?

my bag a bride has camera following the bride, the bag, and it was done by moving the layer

Hey Thanks so much Hao Wu. You’re right. The mistake is by my side. I add another layer into a layer instead of into the root scene. It works now!

I use the code follow,
auto sp = Sprite::create(“CloseNormal.png”);
sp->setPosition(200, 200);
CCSprite * spt = CCSprite::create(“block.png”);
spt->setPosition(ccp(420, 40));
sp->runAction(CCMoveTo::create(3, ccp(940, sp->getPositionY())));

CCFollow * follow = CCFollow::create(sp, CCRectMake(0, 0, 960, 320));

but it dosen’t work.I want the sp fixed in somewhre,just move the layer,but i run the code,only sp move.could you tell me why? thanks~