How to implement pluginX AdsFlurry under JS

Where should i start, a bit hard to explain the situation here.

First this is how i test it.

  • add pluginX the new JS project create from IDE (some file require to update manually, e.g.
  • Build apk from IDE and install it on the avd emulator
  • first i know pluginX is working because flurry analytics works
  • implement the code in HelloWorldLayer ctor

g_pAds = plugin.PluginManager.getInstance().loadPlugin(“AdsFlurry”);

var m = {
“FlurryAppKey” : “MyRealKey”,
“FlurryAdsID” : “Test”,
“FlurryAdsSize” : “2”
cc.log(“Plugin working 1”);
g_pAds.showAds(m, 1);
cc.log(“Plugin working 2”);

  • doing it this way trigger error

E/FlurryAgent( 613): Ad server responded with the following error(s):
E/FlurryAgent( 613): Internal Error: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: com.flurry.beans.AdSpace.testDeviceIds, no session or session was closed

  • then i move the g_pAds.showAds(m, 1); part to onTouch event, this time i am getting

D/ProtocolAds( 672): Class name : org/cocos2dx/plugin/AdsFlurry
D/cocos2d-x debug info( 672): JS: Plugin working 2
D/ProtocolAds( 672): nativeOnAdsResult(), Get plugin ptr : 0x2a123ea8
D/ProtocolAds( 672): nativeOnAdsResult(), Get plugin name : AdsFlurry
I/FlurryAgent( 672): Request successful

  • everything looks fine, also on my flurry website login i can see ‘Test’ is now created under Ad Spaces

BUT no ads on the screen.
Can’t see anything.

Anyone share some lights?

IDE + JS3.0rc2

only thing i notice is the implementation seems quite different with c++ code because c++ you set it to a layer?

Just quick update.
I tried Admob plugin X and that works perfectly using same logic.
So it is problem of the AdsFlurry running out of standard or other reason.