How to implement Admod to Cocos Creator projects

Anyone could tell me if we can add Admob banners to Cocos Creator project. I am using Cocos Creator 2.2.1.

  1. install sdkbox,
  2. run sdkbox import admob -p /path/to/creator/project
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It works on Cocos2d-x project but NOT in cocos creator project.

can you show the log


As anyone integrated admob banner with cocos creator?

I am wondering the same thing. In order for the banner to show, you must create a 50px space in your app at the bottom or top. I am not sure how to make that space exactly. I’m playing around with Cocos Creator to see what works. Will post what I find.

I tried putting a banner space of 90px at the bottom of a hello_world project but still nothing shows up. Maybe I’m putting the space wrong. I tried adding a widget component to the Canvas node but I wasn’t able to put 90px at the bottom side. Then I tried to put a widget node under the Canvas Node Tree and put all other nodes inside it with a 90px space at the bottom. This created a 90px space at the bottom but still no AdMob banner showing (I double checked my config file and had admob test on)

Has anyone been able to successfully display AdMob banner ads?
Are there specific instructions for how to show the AdMob banner? @slackmoehrle @nite


I think admob will add their view on top of your game, but you’re right that makes your bottom of the screen un-usable. Maybe put a ui-layout there as a place holder, and then remove it with the ads.

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Also if you could add on the rewarded video callbacks that would be great.
Ads are coming great., But can not get callback for ad completed in case of rewarded video.
I have tested in ipad and iphone.


Are you getting AdMob banner to show in your app?

I have used only interstitials and rewarded videos. And they are working fine.
Haven’t tried banner yet.
The problem is only of didFinished callback in case of rewarded videos