How to dynamically load a tmx from the server?

we are making a tiled map in our game but the tmx files are on the server…
we load these tmx files but we are getting a string version of these files…
we try

    cc.log(tiledMap)// logs string file of this tmx file

First, please put your tmx assets into assets/resources folder.

Then, you can load the map by code like this:

    // get the TiledMap component
    var theMap = this.node.getComponent(cc.TiledMap);

    // load the tmx file by loadRes interface (iso-test means: load the file 'assets/resources/iso-test.tmx ' )
    cc.loader.loadRes('iso-test', function(err, map) {
        // the tmx asset is loaded, update the property 'tmxAsset' of map.
        theMap.tmxAsset = map;

@zhangbin my assets are on the server…
when i try to load the tmx file from the server it gives the xml string version of my tmx file… :frowning:

is there a way to instantiate a TmxAsset using the string version of the txm file?..

I’m sorry there isn’t a interface to load TiledMap from xml string.

Here is the implementation of creating TiledMapAsset from tmx file:

You can take reference of that to initialize a TiledMapAsset object. Then use the object in the TiledMap component.