How to create animated button

Hello guys. I need your help. How to create animated button or add click or touch event to sprite object? Thanks

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2 ways…
Use single touch event and put actions on that normal sprite(not menu item sprite) when touch began and when touch ends call a function…

Or else,
create a menu items with 2 images(of course), and then in the update function just do isSelected() which returns a bool or something like this, a function exists… and then in if statement do whatever action you want to run…

They both will work

Thats exactly what I need. Can you add code example or link to API.

haha, you could have said that you need direct code…

Lets do the first method… I would like that you implement it yourself…

header file
declare bool isMyTouchInside which will be required if the touch is touched first time on mySprite

Inside init function

  1. make a sprite with variable name suppose mySprite(it should be declared in the header file so that this variable can be accessed easily in touchBegan)

Set isMyTouchInside to false.

  1. Now, add event listeners for single touch and add this listener to te event dispatcher,

onTouchBegan function
3) If isMyTouchInside is false then make it true and detect whether the touch position is inside the boundingBox of mySprite. If the mySprite would not have been declared in header file then you would have to set the sprite’s name or tag and then access this sprite using this->getChildByTag/Name()

If the above condition is true, then declare and define actions inside this if block and then run your actions on your mySprite…

Also, for boundingBox, you mySprite->getBoundingBox().contains(touch->getLocation()
See, you can always use auto suggestion and go through the APIs(functions available)

onTouchEnded function
4) if isMyTouchInside is true then make it false and remove all the actions from the sprite.
and set the if isMyTouchInside to false and call some function whichever you want…
You may also add some action to revert the mySprite if you want.
You could also you callback inside Sequence action so that first the action on this mySprite is over and then only the other function is called.

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you can use this logic make button sprite

var TouchLayer = cc.Layer.extend({
  ctor: function(){

// this is left button
    var left = this.left = cc.Sprite.create(res.arrow_png);
    this.addChild(left, 100);
    this.left.y = 50;
    this.left.x = 65;
    left.scale = .3;

// right button
    var right = this.right = cc.Sprite.create(res.arrow_png);
    this.addChild(right, 100);
    this.right.rotation  = 180
    this.right.y = 50;
    this.right.x = 175;
    right.scale = .3;

// up button
    var up = this.up = cc.Sprite.create(res.arrow_png);
    this.addChild(up, 100);
    this.up.rotation  = 90

this.up.y = 100;
    this.up.x = 120;
    up.scale = .3;

// down button
    var down = this.down = cc.Sprite.create(res.arrow_png);
    this.addChild(down, 100);
    this.down.rotation  = 270
    this.down.y = 10;
    this.down.x = 120;
    down.scale = .3;

//fire button = cc.Sprite.create(res.fire_png);
    this.addChild(, 100); = winSize.width -150; = 30; = .25;

addTouch: function(){
    // creating an event listener to add on our button sprite
    var listener1 = cc.EventListener.create({
      event: cc.EventListener.TOUCH_ONE_BY_ONE,
      swallowTouches: true,
      onTouchBegan: function (touch, event) {
        var target = event.getCurrentTarget();
        // gets your touch location from world space to node space
        var locationInNode = target.convertToNodeSpace(touch.getLocation());
        // get Size of target on which event are set i.e is our button sprite
        var s = target.getContentSize();
        // getting the rectangle in which our sprite lies
        var rect = cc.rect(0, 0, s.width, s.height);
        // checking touchlocation inside the the bounding box of button sprite
        if (cc.rectContainsPoint(rect, locationInNode)) {
          // checking which button has pressed
          // decreasing opacity of button to change little view of button sprite
          target.opacity = 180;
          return true;
        return false;

onTouchEnded: function (touch, event) {
        MOVE_PLAYER = false;

// adding the above listener to each button sprite
    cc.eventManager.addListener(listener1, this.left);
    cc.eventManager.addListener(listener1.clone(), this.right);
    cc.eventManager.addListener(listener1.clone(), this.up);    
    cc.eventManager.addListener(listener1.clone(), this.down);  

  // it is checking which button has pressed and performing some logic on pressing the button
  checkButton: function(target){
    if(target === this.left){
      MOVE_PLAYER = true;
      KEY = cc.KEY.left;
    if(target === this.right){
      // cc.log(“right”);
      MOVE_PLAYER = true;
      KEY = cc.KEY.right;
    if(target === this.up){
      // cc.log(“up”);
      MOVE_PLAYER = true;
      KEY = cc.KEY.up;
    if(target === this.down){
      // cc.log(“down”);
      MOVE_PLAYER = true;
      KEY = cc.KEY.down;
    if(target ==={
      // cc.log(“down”);
      MOVE_PLAYER = true;
      KEY =;


Thank You all

Great answers guys ! Thank you for helping new Cocos2d-JS developers

Thanks and welcome… anytime :wink:

thanks @pandamicro