How to create a long line text using labels without breaking up words in the middle

CCLabelTTF* label = CCLabelTTF::labelWithString(“What is the label looks like depend on the content size of the label,and the content size is depend on the parameter const char *label and CGSize”,
CCSizeMake(200, 0),

I used the method before, but “Whatisthelabellookslikedependonthecontentsizeof the label,and the content size”, many words an not be displayed on the screen

RE: How to create a long line text using labels without breaking up words in the middle - 由 James Chen 在 4 天 之前添加
I think you test the code on win32, it does exist on win32, but it works fine on android. The implement of ‘CCImage::initWithString’ on win32 should be modified.
I am a new beginner, who can paste the right codes on win32 :slight_smile:

test0.jpg (26.2 KB)

test.jpg (39.2 KB)

Because you set the height of label(200, 0), labels exceed the height will be cut off.