How to create a cocos2dx project without using template?

I want to use QT to create an editor for cocos2d-x, but I face some problems to add cocos2d-x into my QT project. First I create a QT project; than follow what what win32 templete did to include the header files in main.h and the AppDelegate.h. In .cpp files, I didn’t implement anything yet. I just want to see could it build succeed or not. The error message is as below:
2>c:2d-cocos2d-x-b7dfb5b\cocos2d-cocos2d-x-b7dfb5b\cocos2dx\platform\config_platform.h(68) : fatal error C1189: #error : “no platform macro defined!”
2>c:2d-cocos2d-x-b7dfb5b\cocos2d-cocos2d-x-b7dfb5b\cocos2dx\platform\config_platform.h(68) : fatal error C1189: #error : “no platform macro defined!”

What should I do if I want to create a cocos2dx project without using templete?

You can read config_platform.h and find the answer.
One of the platform macros must be defined, in you situation, you must define CCX_PLATFORM_WIN32 in your preprocessor macros.