How to change the angle of the Particle Meteor

I’ve created a meteor particle using the function below. So far I have successfully made it appear on the screen and it follows my hero’s movement. Now I’m having trouble changine the “angle” of the “meteor particle”. no matter what float value i place inside “_comet->setAngle(175.45f);” still the meteor wont change angles. Help please?

void HelloWorld::createParticles() {
// CCSize visibleSize = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getVisibleSize();

 _comet = new CCParticleSystemQuad();
 _comet = CCParticleMeteor::create();
 _comet->setPosition(ccp(_balloon->getPositionX() - (_balloon->boundingBox().size.width / 2),
this->addChild(_comet, kForeground);



I believe setAnglechanges the angle of each particle instead of the whole system. Since CCParticleSystemQuad inherits from CCNode (eventually), have you tried:


I also came across this problem.

Will there is a problem with particle emiter rotation handling, I suggest you modify the ParticleSystem header file, and add this :

float _emiterRotation;
setEmiterRotation(float val){ 
_emiterRotation = val;
float getEmiterRotation(){
return _emiterRotation;

and modify the cpp file either :

//You will find this in the initParticle(tParticle* particle) method
float a = CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS( (_angle + _angleVar * CCRANDOM_MINUS1_1()) + _emiterRotation );
//Modify the constructor two

This will work only if you move your particle using speed factor and not gravity.
Honestly there is lots to be said about particle movement, you will figure out what I mean later…

thanks, the “setRotation” works! buhahahaha :smiley: