How To Add Twitter To Android Studio Cocos2dx Project

Cocos2dx 3.16
Android Studio 3.0

Hello, I am somewhat still new to programming and I need help in understanding how to use Log In With Twitter (TwitterKit) with a Cocos2dx Android Studio Project.

One thing i do not understand is i wish for the Twitter Login Button to appear in my cocos2dx scene but how would i go about this? The Tutorial on the site refers me to java setContentView Which is different from my cocos2dx scene. It Attempts to make a button callback in java to the content view it desires. I want it in the cocos2dx scene instead.

In simple Terms, How to make a Twitter Login Button that uses cocos2dx scene and UIButton Components instead of java callback?

Please ask on a Twitter forum. I am sure they have a sample project even somewhere on their website.

We don’t do anything special to help and/or prevent you from using any 3rd party functionality that you wish.

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Ok, I will thank you!