How get the current frame of an animation (spritesheet )?

Hi guys,
I am using spritesheet method to create my animations and I wonder how I should do to run a function in a specified frame (For those who know AS3 I seek the equivalent of “addFramescript”). Or can get the current frame of my animation in my function update.
Ex: Each time my animation release the frame 3 I would like to execute a method “methodX.”

myAnimation-> addFramescript (frame3, methodX);

My :: Class methodX void ()
// here i execute something …


This is how I would do it:

auto sprites = SpriteFrameCache::getInstance();

// use an array of AnimationFrames instead of SpriteFrames in order to be able to set userInfo
Vector<AnimationFrame*> animFrames;

//these are normal frames
animFrames.pushBack(AnimationFrame::create(sprites->getSpriteFrameByName("frame1.png"), 1, ValueMap()));
animFrames.pushBack(AnimationFrame::create(sprites->getSpriteFrameByName("frame2.png"), 1, ValueMap()));

// this frame will trigger our custom event
animFrames.pushBack(AnimationFrame::create(sprites->getSpriteFrameByName("frame3.png"), 1, {{"triggerEvent", Value(true)}}));

animation = Animation::create(animFrames, yourDelay);


// add an event listener with a lambda function
Director::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher()->addCustomEventListener(AnimationFrameDisplayedNotification, [this](EventCustom* event) {
   auto userData = static_cast<AnimationFrame::DisplayedEventInfo*>(event->getUserData());
   if (userData->target == yourSprite &&  userData->userInfo->at("triggerEvent").getType() == Value::Type::BOOLEAN && userData->userInfo->at("triggerEvent").asBool())  {
      // do your stuff

it doesn’t works.

i have remplace the lines below to can compile:

animFrames.pushBack(AnimationFrame::create(sprites->getSpriteFrameByName(“frame3.png”), 1, {{“triggerEvent”, Value(true)}}));


ValueMap myValueMap;
,Value>(“triggerEvent”, Value(true)));
animFrames.pushBack(AnimationFrame::create(sprites->getSpriteFrameByName(“frame3.png”), 1,myValueMap));

But i never receive a notification

Director::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher()->addCustomEventListener(AnimationFrameDisplayedNotification, [this](EventCustom event) {
// Waiting for a notification

What i’m doing wrong ?

First of all, you made a typo:

[this](EventCustom event)

should be

[this](EventCustom* event)

But this should have given you a compiler error…

Other than that, all should be fine. I copied your code into a test project and it worked.

I had to change

std::pair("triggerEvent", Value(true))


std::pair<std::string,Value>("triggerEvent", Value(true))

though, because Xcode didn’t like pair without a template argument list. But that could be different in your dev environment, you’re obviously using something different than I am, since you couldn’t use the initializer_list

Maybe post a little more code, so I can help you better.
For example create a new test project with only the animated sprite in it and post your entire HelloWorld::init()

And please post your code with proper markup:


will give you


It’s so much more convenient to read :wink: