How can we call android function from javascript on cocos creator?


i was trying to make simple game using cocos creator.

Is there anybody who was able to call jsb.reflection.callStaticMethod ?
i was trying to call android static function using this, but i was not able to.

please let me know what should i do to call android function on javascript side?
i was referring following URL.

thanks for reading!

it is working on cocos creator 1.1.1.
showAlertDialog function is added on android side autogenerated source code.

:frowning: but cc.log is not printed on logcat.
it was working on previous version.


we’ll look into that, thanks for the feedback!

JAVA reflection was fixed in v1.1.1

Are you using release mode to build the project ?
cc.log won’t be printed in logcat under release mode