How Can I set Layer's Poisition correctly?

If I use “CCSprite” instead of “CCLayer”, I can use CCSprite’s position as CCProgress and CCLabelTTF.

However I can’t start a position some class as CCLayer.

For Example all HBLayer1’s sprite must be putted at ccp ( 100, 100 )

But I don’t Know why all sprite is not start 100, 100?


CCSize s = CCDirector::sharedDirector ( )>getWinSize ;
m_layer = CCMultiplexLayer::layerWithLayers
Layer1 ,
Layer2 ,
>retain ( );
m_layer~~>setPosition );
this~~>addChild ( m_layer );


Layer1::Layer1 ( CCSize s )

CCSprite* bg = CCSprite::spriteWithFile ( hbGetResPath ( RES_IMG_ENTRANCE_BG_LOGIN ).c_str ( ) );
bg~~>setPosition ); // even if bg’s position value is , it must be , because m_layer’s position is 100, 100
this~~>addChild ( bg );


Layer1::Layer1 ( KDvoid )

please help me. Thank you.

The sprite position is not relative to layer.

oops. really?

I didn’t Know Thanks