How can I create a project using cocos2d-x as a static library?

Hi, I’m new to cocos2d-x and Xcode.

When I use the project template,it will create a project that reference the source code of cocos2dx and CocosDenshion, however, I want use these libs as static libs, such as a “*.a” file or something. Is there anyway to do that?

cocos2dx and CocosDenshion are compiled into .a.
I think cocos2dx and CocosDenshion are part of you game.
You may modify their code to do some special work, so why did you have this requirement?

All I want to do is extending cocos2dx with some functions I need, so that I can distribute these libs to other people we develop a game together. I don’t think it is a good way to do this with source code. So what do you think of this? And is there any better template to create a static library with cocos2dx?

  1. I think it is a good way to share codes with your partner, but you should use
    version control tools, such as git. All open source projects and other big commercial
    projects organize it like this way.

  2. There is no template to create a static library with cocos2dx. You can create such project
    by xcode, and you can set settings according to HelloWolrd.

Yeah, I just do it like you say and it seems good!