How can I add advertizings to a web game created with Cocos Creator?

Can i add advertizing to a web game created with cocos creator ?

You can add ad SDK in built index.html as any HTML5 game or web site.

Can you show me an example ? The only one that i found is adsense. cant I use sdkbox ?

SDKBox is for native mobile platform only.

I don’t have an example at hand, you should just pick the ad service you want, and go to their website and look for JavaScript SDK and try to integrate it just as you add SDK to an website.

I didnt find any ad sdk yet. If somebody could recomend me one i will aprecciate.

SDKBox and the integrate Chartboost. Works fantastic. I have a game made with Creator and published on iOS and Android with Chartboost integration and the whole process took me 4-5 hours. Creating chartboost account and connecting it to your game may take a few hours (you have to wait a little bit until your chartboost account is working and some changes may take up to 1h to happen. Thats why it took me a few hours to validate everything).

I use Video rewards to give free continues to my players and works great.


Thank you!. This information helps. But I am trying to advertize in a game made for a Web page. I am thinking in the kind of ads like Search in google: and click in play (jugar). It is a web game. When you start or when you finished this web game it shows you an Ad. Thanks

Oh I see. I thought you were asking for native. I have no experience on web ads, sorry! :slight_smile:

Hi, I also want to integrate ad for my web version. Did you find anything ?

No i coundnt