[Help]Understanding CCTouches and Scale in combination

I was playing with the SDK wnad copied/paste the ccTouchesMoved from CocosDenshion test (cf code below)
The weird result I got is that:
when I move by more 40pixels and release immediatly I got 1 message on the console and 1 zoom factor , so far as expected
but when I move by more than 40 pixels and stay there, I have also only 1 message on the console (logical) BUT the zoom factor keeps being applied!
what I do not understand is why I get only 1 message on the console where my sprite keeps getting bigger and bigger on thescreen.
Is there something I miss with CCTouches?
PS:ScaleTo(1, 1) should come back to original size in 1 second, am I right?

void MainMenuLayer::ccTouchesMoved(CCSet pTouches, CCEventpEvent)
CCSetIterator it = pTouches~~>begin;
CCTouch* touch = ;
CCPoint touchLocation = touch~~>locationInView( touch~~>view );
touchLocation = CCDirector::sharedDirector~~>convertToGL;
float nMoveX = touchLocation.x~~ m_tBeginPos.x;
if {
CCSprite* pSprite3 = getChildByTag;// Debug MainMenuSprite
pSprite3~~>runAction( CCScaleBy::actionWithDuration(2,1.5f));
m_tBeginPos = touchLocation; //Since I save here if there are more touches in CCSet then
//test with 40 should failed and scale should be applied only once just like there is only message in the console???

what I do not understand is why I get only 1 message on the console where my sprite keeps getting bigger and bigger on thescreen.

Because pSprite3 runs action CCScaleBy::actionWithDuration(2,1.5f)).

I am not sure if I caught your meaning.

the problem is that I get only 1 CCLOG message on the console where it appears that CCSaleby is applied many times (i.e. more than 2 seconds I can let my finger for 5 seconds and my sprite is then as big as the screen ! (the sprite is about 10x10 small bee)) meaning that because of the unique CCLOg message , the test nMoveX>40 appears to bring true exactly once and false the rest of the time whereas the repeated ScaleBy action tend to prove that the test nMoveX>40 brings true say 30times… which I do not understand .
I expect to have exactly 1 CCLOG message on the console and exactly 1 CCScaleBy applied. Since it is not the case I wonder what is the magic behind . Is my question clearer ?

Yes, I see now. It seems CCSaleBy is not working as expected. I will check it.

I have tested in HelloWorld on win32, and it works ok.

BTW: I think it is better to copy the codes in ccTouchesMoved to ccTouchesEnded.

oh no I like the feature to stay with finger on and have the sprite increase in size it’s for a kid story so they’ll love inflate and defalte “stuff” it’s funny…
For me as coder, I just can’t understand, since my finger does not move, the test should be done once…. well I need to work more with the SDK maybe i am doing something wrong with the heap of touches…