Help! Native Buttons and Controls hit area problem


I have a crazy problem!
I’m using cc.ControlSlider, I was able to make it work on web,
but on Native, I have to click beneath the slider !
yes, I have to click few pixels under the slider to make it work.
if I touch the slider ,nothing will happen.

here is my code,
you can create new project and replace this code to app.js
and use your images

var HelloWorldLayer = cc.Layer.extend({
    ctor:function () {

        var size = cc.winSize;

      var lvlSlider = new cc.ControlSlider(res.BgFile_png,
      lvlSlider.minValue = 0;
      lvlSlider.maxValue = 30;
      lvlSlider.value = 10;
      lvlSlider.addTargetWithActionForControlEvents(this, this.valueChangedCallback, cc.CONTROL_EVENT_VALUECHANGED);

       return true;

var HelloWorldScene = cc.Scene.extend({
    onEnter:function () {
        var layer = new HelloWorldLayer();

I’m using cocos2d-js 6.3.1
with idea Cocos IDE

I’m not sure about your problem, but I think it may be caused by your assets. If I were you, I’ll try to replace it. If the problem still there, try to set the content size of it to fit with real assets size or set touch area fit with its.
By the way, I want to know if your Cocos IDE (V2) works properly, such as: auto complete, syntax highlight, smart suggestion? Because my IDE can’t do that.

thank you for suggestions, I’ll try them and come back.

no, my V2 IDE lake these features you mentioned,
it is just better performance than V1.

It’s the disadvantage of the new IDE, I have to make some keywords suggestion and syntax hightlight base on this IDE for more quickly coding on this.
You could import this exported file to the IDE for temporary use while waiting for the update. It just has some core API that I had added manually.

File | Import Settings…

any help ? or I should add this as an issue to github