Google Play Service - with Cocos2dx 3.0 RC0

I am trying to add Google Play Service with RC0,
I have import the cocos2dx project and linked with the Google Play Service project in the eclipse project properties.

then running “cocos run -p android” gives me

android-sdk-macosx/tools/ant/build.xml:471: Invalid file: /android-sdk-macosx/extras/google/google_play_services/libproject/google-play-services_lib/build.xml

Does anybody has the same issue?

There should be official supported thread from cocos2d-x team to fully integrate Google Play Services,
since it’s now also support ios,android, and web

Thanks GulperEeL, can you point me to the official support thread?
i am talking about the entire google play service not only the in-app-purchase plugin.


I’m sorry if you mistook my reply,

i mean they should be creating the tutorial/thread for integrating google play services,
best guess perhaps to start from Ryeeeeee’s thread [[]]

thanks GulperEel,
that’s what I did to link the project, just doesn’t seems to read the build.xml

wonder what is the right way to do this…