Get Device Id in Cocos2dX 3.3

First ,thanks Cocos team, great work!!
I want to know is there any method or simple way in cocos 3.3 to get Device Id(android or ios)??
I read How get the unique identify for phone device under ios or android ,but i can’t understand how to get Device Id.
please help me.

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We don’t have this built in. Search these forums, I gave some solutions to this a while back, probably May or June.

By searching in internet and reading some document about jni and looking the cocos2d source code finally i could write a method to get Device Id (IMEI) for android,and now i write the codes for those who want to know.
1- add bellow codes to
Java_org_cocos2dx_lib_Cocos2dxHelper.h /
that exist in YOUR_COCOS_PROJECT\cocos2d\cocos\platform\android\jni path,
in header file

extern std::string GetIdJNI();

in cpp file

std::string GetIdJNI()
	JniMethodInfo t;
	std::string a("");
	if (JniHelper::getStaticMethodInfo(t, "org/cocos2dx/lib/Cocos2dxActivity", "GetId", "()Ljava/lang/String;"))
		jstring jstr = (jstring)t.env->CallStaticObjectMethod(t.classID, t.methodID);
		a = JniHelper::jstring2string(jstr);
		return a;
	return NULL;


2-now we must write java code to get IMEI for this insert the following codes to

public static String GetId()
		TelephonyManager tManager = (TelephonyManager)sContext.getSystemService(sContext.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
		if(tManager == null)
			return "TelephonyManager is Null";
		String uid = tManager.getDeviceId();
		return uid;
	catch(Exception e)
		return e.getMessage();

3-In the end we must use GetIdJNI(); method to get IMEI, for this purpose add the following files to YOUR_COCOS_PROJECT\cocos2d\cocos\platform\CCDevice.h

in header file

static std::string GetId();

in cpp file

std::string Device::GetId()
    static std::string Id = "";
    if (Id == "")
		Id = GetIdJNI();
    return Id;

Now everything is ready to Get IMEI ,Just call Device::GetId(); in your project.


Putting your code directly into cocos2d-x is not a very good practice. It makes it harder for you to upgrade in the future. You should only use that as last resort.

I implemented that on iOS and Android in FenneX recently, here is the relevant commit:

Using the IMEI is not ideal, since it requires READ_PHONE_STATE permission. Using Android_ID doesn’t require any permission. For a full overview of device identification on Android, see this thread:

On iOS, please note that the ID will be unique only for your apps. The only way to have a global ID is to use the advertising identifier, which requires you to use ads in your apps (I do not, so I can’t use it).


Hi Fradow,

Can you confirm if I only need to copy the following files for Unique ID functionality to work.


Do I need to configure anything else for this to work on Cocos2dX C++ v3.10