get data from file(resources/***/***.plist) failed

hi all,
I have just developed a program, and it works fine in the windows xp os. but it went wrong when I install it in android.
here is error “get data from file(resources//.plist) failed”.
I mean the program is run well in windows.

first , I used CCTextureCache::sharedTextureCache()->addImageAsync(“resource//.png”, this, callfuncO_selector(TextureCacheTest::loadingCallBack));
to add my png resources.
then I used CCSpriteFrameCache::sharedSpriteFrameCache()->addSpriteFramesWithFile(resources//.plist) to add plist file.
but it went wrong when I run the program in android.
can somebody help out ! I really appreciate it.

Android doesn’t keep resources in the same place. There is an assets folder that everything goes in instead of resources. You will want to do something like …

std::string png = cocos2d::CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->fullPathFromRelativePath(“assets///*.png”));
std::string plist = cocos2d::CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()>fullPathFromRelativePath);
>addSpriteFramesWithFile(plist.c_str(), png.c_str());

thanks man. it is my own error, and the error has nothing to do with the engine. thanks again.