Game studio available to work for hire game projects

Plunge Interactive is a professional studio with a huge expertise in Cocos2d-x. We have developed a number of games for iOS/Android/Windows in Cocos2d-x including:

Plunge can develop and design a game from scratch, handle development while your team focuses on design, or we can expand your development capacity, collaborating with your existing coders and team members.

Feel free to contact us to get more info: / Skype: jbosch.aiguade and you can also check our website:

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Hi. I am a Cocos2D developer working with Cocos2D for more than 2 years. I have coded games from scratch using Cocos2D obj-C, Cocos2D X C++ and Cocos2D X JS.

I would like to work with you as an off shore programmer. Is there any such opportunities currently available?

Iā€™m sorry but we just work with local developers. Thanks!