Forever Calling UIAnimation Callback problem.. in latest intergration cocostudio.

I play some UI Animation

ActionManager::shareManager()->playActionByName(MAIN_UI_ANI_JSON_FILE,eventName.c_str(), CCCallFunc::create(this, callfunc_selector(MyLayer::MyCallBack)) );

and… the callback function MyCallBack calling forever…whatever loop on or off.

because i Hide some EffectLayer for Hide Effect in callback function .

i can’t see my UIAnimation anymore. because the Callback continusly Hide EffectLayer…

anyway i solve this problem by edit below code.

void ActionObject::simulationActionUpdate(float dt)
	bool isEnd = true;
	int nodeNum = m_ActionNodeList->count();

	for ( int i = 0; i < nodeNum; i++ )
		ActionNode* actionNode = (ActionNode*)m_ActionNodeList->objectAtIndex(i);

		if (actionNode->isActionDoneOnce() == false)
			isEnd = false;

	if (isEnd)
		if (m_CallBack != NULL)
// added
		if (m_loop)
		} else {
			if(m_CallBack) {
				m_CallBack  = NULL;
// end of added