Follow the tutorial to last step, but get unknown error

I just follow the tutorial to make a simple game in Android.

The last step teaches us to make a GameOverScene.h/cpp.

I follow these steps and I just copy the code to my machine to render these files.

When I build the project, I get the error message :
/home/eddyxd/Android/cocos2d/HelloWorld/android/obj/local/armeabi/objs-debug/game_logic/HelloWorldScene.o: In function `GameOverScene’:
/home/eddyxd/Android/cocos2d/HelloWorld/android/jni/…/…/Classes/GameOverScene.h:47: undefined reference to `vtable for GameOverScene’
/home/eddyxd/Android/cocos2d/HelloWorld/android/obj/local/armeabi/objs-debug/game_logic/HelloWorldScene.o: In function `GameOverScene::node()‘:
/home/eddyxd/Android/cocos2d/HelloWorld/android/jni/…/…/Classes/GameOverScene.h:50: undefined reference to `GameOverScene::init()’

Can anyone give me some suggestion?~


you need to add GameOverScene.cpp to

Dickens Mak wrote:

you need to add GameOverScene.cpp to

you are right ! thankyou !