Flick/Throw sprites

Is it possible in Cocos2d-x to flick or throw sprites?

For example I tap a sprite object, drag it somewhere and when I lift my finger, the sprite would “slide” towards the direction of the drag. I have some ideas on how to do this using the touchBegin, touchMoved, and touchEnd but there could be other easier ways on doing it.

Using Box2D bodies simulates this well =]
I followed this : http://www.raywenderlich.com/475/how-to-create-a-simple-breakout-game-with-box2d-and-cocos2d-tutorial-part-12 to get me started =D

Phill Jones wrote:

Using Box2D bodies simulates this well =]
I followed this : http://www.raywenderlich.com/475/how-to-create-a-simple-breakout-game-with-box2d-and-cocos2d-tutorial-part-12 to get me started =D

I’ve seen Box2D as a template for a new Cocos2d-x project in Xcode. Does that mean I need to make a new project using the Box2D template?

Personally, I find it easier to make a new project that has Box2D included and copy my old code files across, since this for me is just “add the files and it works”.

But it will be possible to integrate Box2D with your current project if that was easier for you…I just have no idea how to in Xcode :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, I did an cocos2d-x Android project and had to copy files from my old project into the new one and it worked. Does that mean I’d have to do the copying over all over again?

It may be the fastest/simplest way that I can think of to get all the libs you want included.

I guess I have to do it that way. sigh thanks for the link :slight_smile: