Firefox: Rect width exceeds maximum margin: 3300

I am building an roulette game with Cocos Creator v1.5.1
I am using following code to load the roulette wheel sprites
Each sprite is 378x233
I switch the sprites manually to show wheel spinning

cc.loader.loadResDir(folderName, cc.SpriteFrame,
        function(completedCount ,totalCount ,item)
            cc.log("progress " + completedCount*100/totalCount);
        function (err, assets)

            if (err) {
                cc.error(err.message || err);

            for (var i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) {
                // load the frames in the animation to the array
                self._frameHolder[i] = assets[i];

Sprite in the game is type : SIMPLE size mode : ROW

This works perfectly on all the browsers except Firefox.
It gives the error “Rect width exceeds maximum margin: 3300”

Instead of the wheel image it shows a white area.

Can someone provide some help on this?

After investigating this further, I feel the problem is in the cc.loader.loadResDir
If I add the images manually to the array the problem goes away.

I also have the same problem loading images from atlas with “getSpriteFrame”

The problem only in Firefox though…

Any ideas what I should do?

This is the error that display on the console
I am getting the error when I used the resource loader

Can anyone provide some help on this?

genLogFunc/< CCDebugger.js:367:12
_checkRect CCSpriteFrame.js:471:12
textureLoadedCallback CCSpriteFrame.js:295:20
_refreshTexture CCSpriteFrame.js:314:16
_loadTexture CCSpriteFrame.js:54:55
set CCSpriteFrame.js:76:13
loadCallback uuid-loader.js:132:20
loadDepends/< uuid-loader.js:151:24
[130]</proto.flowInDeps/queue< CCLoader.js:289:8
[139]</proto.allComplete loading-items.js:540:8
[139]</proto.itemComplete loading-items.js:727:8
[139]</LoadingItems.itemComplete loading-items.js:398:8
[141]</proto.flowOut pipeline.js:283:4
flow pipeline.js:86:16
flow/result< pipeline.js:63:20
[135]</Downloader.prototype.handle/syncRet< downloader.js:319:24
loadCallback downloader.js:95:12

I think this error is cased by number of images getting loaded by the loader.

Did you ever manage to resolve this? I’m getting the same errors and white sprites in Firefox. It sometimes helps deleting the cache but most of the time sprites are white.


I updated to the new version of Cocos Creator