Fb invite links host

Do I need to do the additional steps that FB is describing like registering url schema, and than adding code to handle incoming url?

Or it’s all take care of by sdkbox?

you should do it yourself

can someone from sdkbox confirm?

Yes, you have to implement it yourself following the documentation


We tried patching the code automatically before, however it’s proven to be error prone.

Nite I was talking about https://developers.facebook.com/quickstarts/?platform=app-links-host
When you adding custom url scheme you have to add code to ios and android. Should I do it by my own or somehow it’s supported by sdkbox?
I mean this: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/iPhone/Conceptual/iPhoneOSProgrammingGuide/Inter-AppCommunication/Inter-AppCommunication.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007072-CH6-SW10

I see that I don’t have to implement link with fb.me I can use just link to my app. So you have to support different link when inviting from different platform?

Yes you can, you can also create fb.me link as we did in the sample

Ok but I have this thing like scheme there… I need to implement it? I need to do the code implementation by myself? or this is supported by sdk by this I mean this:

Looks like a ton of work for stupid invites…

You have to implement those manually, we haven’t implement auto modify these yet.

do I really need to implement this stuff? Do I need some schema? Can’t it just be a simple link to google play or itunes store?
Seems like it should be a simple thing and its over complicated…

I think you could, I remember using simple url before. Facebook recommend you use their url so they can attribute the install, which might be useful to you, if you want to do user acquisition on FB