Facebook Plugin bigger profile pic[SOLVED]

Hey. Lately i’ve been trying to get all the data i need from FB login. I have basicly everything i need, excluding FB picture, beacuse plugin gives me a link to 50x50 scaled avatar.

The way i’m getting it, is by setting Lister after login:

onGetUserInfo(userInfo) {
let userId = userInfo.picture_url

I would love some help with a way of getting link to bigger profile pic (original one, like in messenger games would be the best). Thanks!

You can transform the pic to Sprite and scale it as you want.

Yeah, but image as small as that, if scaled up, will be looking not too good

c++ code:

    FBAPIParam params;
    params["fields"] = "id,name,email,first_name,installed,last_name,picture.type(large)";
    //    params["fields"] = "id,name,email,first_name,installed,last_name,picture.width(500).height(500)";
    PluginFacebook::api("me", "GET", params, "me");


JS version code

So if i get it good, this code should work:

onAPI: function(tag, data) {
cc.log(“tag=%s”, tag);
cc.log(“data=%s”, data);
if (tag == “me”) {
let obj = JSON.parse(data);
console.log(“picture:” + obj.picture.data.url);

    let params = new Object();
    params.fields = "name,email,picture.width(500).height(500)"; // picture.type(large)
    sdkbox.PluginFacebook.api("me", "GET", params, "me");

But listener callback never actually happens. When i’m searching for logs i cannot see even first one cc.log("============");

i logged params before, and it looks good, any idea on why isn’t listener reacting?

Edit: The problem was using listeners in multiple places, so they problably overrided themselves. Problem Solved, thanks yinjimmy!