Facebook Invalid App ID

Hello. After one day of trying i would love to get some help with setting FB Plugin in SDK Box. I followed this guide:


and on sdkbox.PluginFacebook.login(); still shows me “Invalid App ID: The provided app ID does not look like a valid app ID”. on in-game window. I have set the ID in strings.xml:

<string name="facebook_app_id">*ID*</string>


<provider android:authorities=“com.facebook.app.FacebookContentProviderID

And in sdkbox_config.json as it is shown in the guide.

The only few lines i get in my logcat, that are from facebook are:

08-02 09:45:57.981 29077-29125/org.cocos2d.helloworld D/PluginFacebook: Login with permissions: ‘public_profile’
08-02 09:45:58.011 29077-29125/org.cocos2d.helloworld I/Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:org.cocos2d.helloworld time:10402360
08-02 09:45:58.011 29077-29408/org.cocos2d.helloworld V/AudioMixerController: Play over …
Play over …
Doesn’t have enough tracks: 2, 2
08-02 09:45:58.021 29077-29077/org.cocos2d.helloworld D/Cocos2dxActivity: onPause()
08-02 09:45:58.021 29077-29077/org.cocos2d.helloworld W/com.facebook.appevents.internal.ActivityLifecycleTracker: Unexpected activity pause without a matching activity resume. Logging data may be incorrect. Make sure you call activateApp from your Application’s onCreate method
08-02 09:45:58.021 29077-29077/org.cocos2d.helloworld W/com.facebook.appevents.AppEventsLogger: deactivateApp events are being logged automatically. There’s no need to call deactivateApp, this is safe to remove.

Any ideas on what could i done wrong and how to fix it? Thanks!

and check your hash key.