[Extension] CCControlPicker Missing

I am trying to create an interface for selection into my game, I realize the Extension CCControls that have some nice tools there, but I was wishing to use the CCControlPicker and I realize that there is none code about it even if documentation describes it: http://cocos2d-x.org/projects/cocos2d-x/wiki/CCControlExtension?version=4

Any news about that? It is going to be implemented? If not anyone could suggest an ObjC to C++ “translator”, I would glad port the code from https://github.com/YannickL/CCControlExtension/tree/master-v2/CCControlExtension/CCControl but I wish I have some tool to do the mindless job (like change objC calls to C++ calls)…

Thank you!

Any news with the CCControlPicker missing file?
ok found this :