Export Cocos Studio scene to Cocos2dx

Could someone please help me with the process of importing a scene ive created in Cocos Studio to my cocos2dx project. I havent been able to find any documentation other than how to use Cocos Studio itself. Any help would be great as I feel lost :smiley:

auto node = CSLoader::getInstance()->createNode(file);
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I am having the same problem as warning717.

After adding

to my project, I am getting a build error:
jni/…/…/Classes/HelloWorldScene.cpp:2:22: fatal error: CSLoader.h: No such file or directory
#include “CSLoader.h”

I added
to the include_directories section of CMakeLists.txt, and can build and run in linux.

But, I am unsure how to edit Android.mk to make it work. I have edited the LOCAL_C_INCLUDES section, and the linker still cannot find CSLoader.h.

Thanks for any help

Actually, you don’t need to change Android.mk it should be already setup correctly for you
just need to include the header correctly I think.

#include "cocostudio/CocoStudio.h"

Thank you nite, that worked!

Thank you so much! That worked perfectly! :smiley: :smile:

Feel free to post here


regarding Cocos Studio requests.

CSLoader doesn’t exist in cocos studio library.
I used cocos2d-x-3.2

never mind i found it in version 3,4