Exchange source code or buy source code of cocos2d-x games

yet i get several project of cocos2d-x games including adventure game,tcg game and mmorpg ,everyone has intrest can contact me with qq(by Tecent):2847793193. i can exchange those game source code or buy in cocosd-x games source code.thanks for trading.

i have too,let we trade

card game source code

source code 2

Hi,曹 力,

Do you have any card game source which was look like Million Arthur (
Either iOS or Android is OK.


i have card game like million arthur

Hi, 周 进,

Do you mind show some screenshot of the card game you have?

i have the game source code
contact me at or Skype:bangaixman


I have various games developed in cocos2d-x , if you are interested let me know. We could exchange or buy your source