Every New Version Relase should be downloaded?

Do we need to download everytime you relase the version, i am sorry, i just want to know, just to download the source code from github once and take only updates form the next time, do anyone know here? Please guide me.

If I am right you can also use sources form github and just switch to a new branch when a new version is created. Don’t forget to git pull before you switch a branch and read the readme. Maybe something changed (like git submodule).

@Michael is correct.

git pull origin

git submodule update --init


@slackmoehrle: I just realized. So are you trying to cut your tongue off with scissors?!??! WHY dude??

Yeah, right… But the game project uses its own copy of Cocos2d-x codebase, thus updating the engine in the WIP projects is not that easy.

can you explain it to me a bit easy… ha ha… :smile:

I dont get it.
But the idea seems worth implementing and with a hell lot of problems if not understood properly.

I want to understand it, how it works ?

Currently, I download every new version (stable), delete the older one setup again
but this seems worth time saving.
Can you explain me this please… :slight_smile:

I am having right now V3.2rco which was downloaded form github using the command

$ git clone git@github.com:cocos2d/cocos2d-x.git

now i try to get the recent changes of version 3.3 using the git command

 git pull origin

but i get the below details
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights.

Do anyone know how to fix this issue

The copied cocos2d folder that is created is actually just a stripped down version of the original folder. We keep it as a submodule that points to our own fork of cocos2d-x.

So, if you have a work in progress project , go to your project folder, delete the cocos2d folder and run the commands

git submodule add https://github.com/cocos2d/cocos2d-x cocos2d
cd cocos2d
git submodule update --init

After that you have the cocos repo as a submodule and you just have to pull the origin changes whenever you want to.

Of course you can have your own fork, specially if you are planning on modifying the cocos source code

That sounds good @Miguel
thanks alot

@miguel12345 is correct.

Well, it is just for so…why…because sometimes I might be a bit sharp tongued to the chagrin of others.

Thanks for this! How do I say that I want to update to the just-released v3.3?

The cocos2d-x team tags the release commits, so you can do something like

git pull
git checkout cocos2d-x-3.3

inside the cocos2d folder to get the exact commit of 3.3 release

Is it possible to update existing project (cpp 3.2) to 3.3?
I created the project by this instruction http://www.cocos2d-x.org/wiki/Creating_A_New_Example_Project?project_id=cocos2d-x
Now I downloaded cocos2d-x-3.3.zip. And question is how to update existing project infrastructure (xcode, vs, android and cmake)?