Error sound cocos2dx

I’m doing game on ios with cocos2dx

When i play game, every effect sound ok, but when i press home button and come back again, effect is off, and cannot play effect again.

AND, if i pause music in game, when i press home button and come back again, music play although i paused?

Anyone help me:(

Thank u very much

I have the same problem. (version 2.1.3)

Any help?
Thank you

Which device you’re using? I’m interested in both operating system and device model.

if i pause music in game, when i press home button and come back again, music play although i paused?
I believe this is happening because you have this code in applicationWillEnterForeground() of Appdelegate.

You can manually handle this with a boolean and resume only if the background music is playing while application was put into background.