[ERROR] error ndk android studio

when i change from ndk r10 to newest r14 i got this error when build with

cocos compile -p android --app-abi x86

after i set APP_ALLOW_MISSING_DEPS=true in application.mk, still
it got me error :

Android NDK: Module cocos2dcpp_shared depends on undefined modules: cocos_curl_static

my cocos version v3.10, I look at issue in github but don’t know how to fix it :frowning: anyone can help?

when i compile there is an error in JSON schema like

EmptyThrowable : unable to get stub builder for com.jetbrains.jsonSchema.JsonSchemaFileType@7947a59e, path = …

and i dont have any idea to fixed it :frowning:

All is OK with ndkr13b

thanks! I’ll try :slight_smile:

Its’s work! but when i compile there is an error in JSON schema like

> EmptyThrowable : unable to get stub builder for com.jetbrains.jsonSchema.JsonSchemaFileType@7947a59e, path = ..

and i dont have any idea to fixed it :frowning: