Erro in using cocos2d-x for windows phone 8

Hi all.
I have erro in using coocs2d-x for windows phone 8.
my class
Class A :public cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont{
and init class A : this->initWithString(“30”,MY_FNT_FONT);
visual studio report erro:

78 IntelliSense: more than one instance of overloaded function “ScoreGift::initWithString” matches the argument list:
function “cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont::initWithString(const char str, const charfntFile, float width = (–1.0F), cocos2d::CCTextAlignment alignment = cocos2d::kCCTextAlignmentLeft, cocos2d::CCPoint imageOffset = CCPointZero)”
function “cocos2d::CCLabelBMFont::initWithString(const char str, const charfntFile)”
argument types are: (const char [5], const char [16])

Please let me known why ? and how to resolve it.
Thanks all.

Please help.